Karen Bonaudi

Scion Cutting for Spring Grafting

Now is the time to gather .... scion wood
for early spring. The first thing to do
is find .... variety. Some .... clubs
and .... societies make it a point to ....
make available scion wood to those
needing it.

Scion wood should be cut now and stored
away until early spring. The best ....
are those of average vigor, well-hardened
and free of .... pests. Scion wood must
be kept dormant in cool storage .... bury it
in a sawdust pile on the north side
of a building.

In March bind it fast to your .... hardiest
and most prolific .... root. Make sure no
air .... can pass between. Plant in a well-
drained, well-protected .... spot. Guard
against hungry .... slugs. Proper selection
and care of scion wood will assure
a generous .... yield.

Taken ... in parts ... from Northwest Magazine,
The Sunday Oregonian, January 3, 1982.

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